The Domestics 2018

The Domestics movie review is spoiler-free. A doomsday horror-thriller movie by Mike P. Nelson. A film that marks his directorial debut for a full-length feature film. While this apocalyptic premise is nothing new for some, a character-driven action-filled horror is always a good watch in my eyes.

The Domestics Movie Plot and Facts

In the post-apocalyptic world gangs and groups divide the people. The story follows a husband and wife on the outs before the world dissolved into pieces but with only each other to cling to. Could your relationship survive the end of the world?

  • Genres:  Horror | Thriller,
  • Directed and written by Mike P. Nelson. Keep a look for the horned gambler. Like any good director could and should do, he sneakily placed himself in this film,
  • The Domestics cast: Sonoya Mizuno (Ex Machina 2014), Tyler Hoechlin (Teen Wolf 2011), Kate Bosworth (Straw Dogs 2011), David Dastmalchian (The Belko Experiment 2016) and Lance Reddick (American Horror Story 2014,)
  • Release: USA June 2018 and UK in August 2018.

Relationships in an Apocalypse

Well for the first time I am going, to begin with, a gripe. The Domestics is good viewing, for the most part, I’m not denying that but I just want to get something off my chest. Among a few other identifiable moments of incredibly crazy ideas is a pause for some lovemaking. Now I know even in an apocalypse, people might get their horn on BUT if there are literally five known gangs getting their creep on at all types of inconspicuous moments — then stop for a quickie in an open garage in a car that has windows is not the smartest move. There I said it. I absolutely shook my head for the longest time when I saw this scene amping up.

Now because I have begun The Domestics review somewhat in the middle, let’s go back to the start. I really loved the introduction with the radio announcer who supplies a continuous backdrop of extra information and an added negativity towards the state of the world. He would absolutely make a crackin’ addition to any radio station that covers the time frame of the drive home from work. Some of my favorite moments came from his voiceover and not from the actual movie which says a lot right there about its ability to contain the momentum with any type of accuracy.

Crazy Al from 99.5 2KILU radio station tells it like it is:

“You think we had problems before? Death, disease, did the barista put too much F&$CKing syrup in your macchiato F&%$ing frappuccino? Do you know what I saw the other day? A guy in a deer head holding an AK47. But you know what? That guy used to be my neighbor.”

Nina Was A Rocker From Way Back

I liked that it was plotted out as a trip to Nina’s parent’s house. I also appreciated the dynamic between husband and wife and that her dominance is hidden for quite some time by the fact she wears headphones to listen to music in the first half of the film. There is definitely a statement being made here.

As much as I would like to see the film as a transformation of Nina from beginning to end as an emerging heroine, what I saw was that she was always a force to be reckoned with. It was just hidden from the audience and dropped casually into the conversation from time to time about why they were getting a divorce. She was the breadwinner and the person holding everything together prior to the end-of-days. I can bet easy money on her as always having been a wild child though, her husband Mark knew that. He left her a note on her favorite rock album to prove it.

I think the title of the film perfectly sums up the entire premise. What if, in the middle of a domestic with your partner, the world fell into ruin? There are some great concepts and creativity mixed in with predictable outcomes and ill-timed characters but overall it’s a pass.

I give The Domestics 

3 always kill them back instead of spinning the wheel out of 5.

Mother of Movies score
The Domestics 2018
The Domestics 2018

Who Are the Factions in this Doomsday Movie?

  • The Sheets
  • Gamblers
  • Plowboys
  • Nailers
  • Cherries

Below is a bunch of stuff that Mike P. Nelson has had involvement with either directorially or as in the case of Diners, Drive In’s, and Dives (which I love) he was the sound engineer. Doomsday movies and where to watch.