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Tito Movie Shines 1 Light On Social Anxiety

Tito movie 2019

A totally bizarre and frustrating tale of Tito and his trauma written by director-writer Grace Glowicki. A deep dive into an agoraphobic tortuous life, Tito is a hard one to figure out. At best, it’s a movie that certainly gives a character study into just how scary the world is for those with social anxiety.

The only clue as to what caused Tito to become so scared is a red whistle seen in the opening scenes. An emergency whistle hangs from his neck everywhere he goes. He scurries about trying to get home and is absolutely terrified of his own shadow. The underpinning score is frantic and Tito is extremely gaunt. He’s also unkempt and hunched over to show he’s been running for some time. His whistle is what I assume represents that he is often chased by something frightening, unseen, and unexplained.

Movies About Agoraphobia

In addition, the lead is played by the film’s creator, Grace Glowicki, and the narrative comprises two central characters. It doesn’t leave a lot of room for centering on what the story needs to say. A short run time of only 70 minutes and minimal dialogue also adds to deficiencies in marketing exactly what I was supposed to be taking away from it.

Grace plays a man, who speaks like a woman and despite effective use of costuming and oily make-up, looks like a woman. It’s only when we are introduced to their neighbor John who repeatedly calls him ‘brother’ and ‘man’ so often it begins to grate that this information is passed on. I think I would have preferred their gender to be more pointedly ambiguous to be more natural and relevant. Tito would have been a good platform to insert preferred pronouns as an educational tool.

John (Ben Petrie) comes into the story as a hero of suspicion almost immediately. Despite coming into Tito’s life, and bearing gifts, at the same time, he appears after having broken into his house to do so. Like a bulldozer, John is a demanding and overbearing quasi-ally. He explains his sudden intrusion into Tito’s life and coerces him into opening up using cannabis and full-spread breakfasts.

Then he is always there. Tito, on the other hand, is happy for some friendly company. He seems puzzled but curious as they get to know one another. Initially, John doesn’t seem to want anything from him, but it’s easy to spot the creepy conversion of power as John realizes that weed is something he can use to get more than he should from his new acquaintance.

Is Tito A Good Movie?

Overall, Tito is less of a narrative movie and more of an atmospheric concoction of a few vague ideas. Me, I didn’t connect too much with any of it however I appreciate that there is plenty of conversation being had about exactly what it’s trying to do. Maybe it’s not trying to do anything and merely portrays the unexpected roles of people who come and go in our lives sometimes making it better and sometimes not.

You can watch the Tito movie for free, streaming on KANOPY.

I give Tito

2 John is a bad wingman out of 5

2 stars out of 5 on Mother of Movies
2 stars out of 5 on Mother of Movies
Mother of Movies score
Tito screening at FGBFF 2020
Produced by Creature Features. Movies about the pressure of social anxiety and agoraphobia.

What are some popular movies about agoraphobia?

Some popular movies about agoraphobia include “Copycat” (1995), “Panic Room” (2002), and “The Agoraphobic’s Guide to Finding the Perfect Mate” (2011).

Can you recommend any psychological thrillers that explore agoraphobia?

Certainly! You might enjoy “The Cell” (2000), “Bug” (2006), and “Shut In” (2016). These movies delve into the psychological aspects of agoraphobia and offer thrilling storylines.

Are there any documentaries that discuss agoraphobia?

Yes, there are a few documentaries that provide insight into agoraphobia. Check out “Afraid of People” (2018) and “Agoraphobia: Living in Fear” (2015). These documentaries offer personal accounts, expert interviews, and a deeper understanding of this anxiety disorder.

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